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Monday, July 12, 2010

My answer to the rumors about me inside the campus

Okay so I heard this rumors spreading through out the school campus and I am too shy to speak in public about this thing so I just put my answers/response/comments here about the rumors spreading in school

1- My crush

Even Sir Gilbert and Sir Sam asked me this question directly and I am too shy to answer it because I am natural shy guy and they even ask me this question directly "may crush ka kay *censored*?" and I am too shy to ask them about it but seriously my response to this is its a half-true and a half-lie half true because okay I admit the rumors are true during the 1st-2nd week of classes and half-lie because I managed to resist her I still have some emotions or feelings for her but not like before that I cant even sleep and I managed to control my feelings for her and I know I am not the right guy for her and I can feel it. and if you love someone I just better let her the freedom to choose whoever she better luck next time maybe.

2- The eye contact

The explanation of my aggressive looking eyes or like my old teachers say "eyes of a tiger" is I was born with mild Hydrocephalus or the water in the brain it affected my eyes and my head. also I am suffering from Vertigo so I need to wear my old glasses because my eyes are sensitive to too much light.

3- Me = Snobbish

Okay I admit I really did became snobbish in the 1st week of classes because I was trying to evaluate the people in IIS. so I wanna apologize to each and every person in the campus or whoever reads this thing. but after that I did try to get along with people in the campus because I know this school will help me achieve my goal. but I am having a hard time doing it because I am really shy and teachers are starting to compromise my secret (you know that already) but even if they do reveal it. it will be pointless because I am falling to another girl who I know can cover my weakness. who is she? clue? actually I know she likes me but I don't know if shes falling for me. because I can sense it. also I heard some rumors that can support my theory about this issue but to be honest I am fine with her no problem at all.
inside or outside the campus? inside the campus and I always see her daily I just keep a low profile so things wont get compromised.

4-My real religion

Agnostic Unorthodox Catholic just use dictionary for this one because its kinda hard to explain

ahh this is almost all about love life lol~!

anyways Xaikus out ~~

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